Movies spoiled
The Crying Game- The chick's a dudeBlair Witch ProjectReservoir Dogs- Tim Roth is a CopA Beautiful Mind- Ed Harris and Paul Bettany are Russel Crowe's imaginary friendsSixth sense- Bruce Willis dead whole filmUnbreakable- Samuel L Jackson staged all the catastrophesSigns- They use water to kill the aliensThe Village- It all takes place in present dayChinatown- Jake Gittes discovers that Evelyn Mulray is Cross' daughter and was raped by himET- ET phone homeSilence of the Lambs- Clarice kills Buffalo BillWild things- Neve Campbell planned it all from the beginning and you see Kevin Bacon's dickRocky- Rocky losesRocky II Rocky Wins Rocky III Rocky IV Rocky V Rocky wins the STREET fightRocky Balboa- Adrian is dead and Rocky still loses the fightThere Will be Blood- Daniel Plainview kills Eli with a Bowling PinForrest Gump- Jenny dies on a Saturday MorningSex and The City- Carrie Marries Mr. BigHancock -- Will Smith and Charlize TheronUsual suspects- Kevin Spacey is Kaiser SozeLA CONFIDENTIAL- Kevin Spacey is killedAmerican Beauty- Kevin Spacey is killed by the gay DadSe7en- Kevin Spacey is killed by Brad Pitt for putting Brad Pitt's Wife's decapitated head in a boxLife of david galeKill Bill- She kills Bill And her name is BeatrixMillion dollar baby- Hilary Swank gets paralyzed and Clint Eastwood mercy kills herCastaway- Tom Hanks gets off the islandMy Girl- Macaulay Culkin diesElection- Tracy Flick WinsWillie wonka and the Charlie factory- Charlie is given willy wonka's factoryFellowship of The Ring- Frodo has the ring and heads to mordorThe Two TowersThe Return of the KingSleepless in Seattle- Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks end up togetherYou've Got Mail- SameAddicted to Love- Mathew BroderickWhen Harry Met Sally- Billy Crystal IQ- Tim RobbinsFrench Kiss- Kevin KlineKate & Leopold- Hugh JackmanCity of Angels- Nicolas Cage Who framed roger rabbit- Judge Doom is a Toon and killed Eddie Valiant's brotherBoogie Nights- We see Dirk Diggler's penis and it's 14 inches longTitanic- Jack diesInside man -- Clive Owen gets away with itHeist- Gene Hackman gets away with itA perfect score -- Robert Deniro gets away with itThe Italian job -- They get away with itOceans 11 -- SamePlanet of the Apes- Charlton Heston finds the Statue of Liberty and realizes he was on Earth all alongPlanet of the Apes- Mark Walberg finds Tim Roth the monkey as the Lincoln Memorial why the hell to they make re-makes?Bad News Bears- The Bears WinRookie of the Year- The Cubs WinRemember the Titans- The Titans WinAngels in the Outfield- The Angels WinMajor League- The Indians WinLittle Giants- The Little Giants WinMighty Ducks- The Ducks WinMighty ducks 2- The Ducks WinMighty Ducks 3- The Ducks are somehow only Junior Varsity in High School but they Still WinField of Dreams If you build it, who will come? your fatherShawshank Redemption Tim Robbins escapes prisonOldboy He was having sex with his own daughterThe others Nicole Kidman and the children are dead the whole timeBraveheart William Wallace gets killedScarface Tony Mantana gets killedLife is beautiful Roberto Benini gets killedBonnie and Clyde Bonnie and clyde get killedEasy Rider Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper get killedThe Departed Damon Dicaprio and Nicholson all get killedJaws Jaws gets killedNight of the Living Dead- Everyone gets killedPassion of the Christ Jesus is killedThe shining Jack Nicholson goes crazy and freezes to death in the mazeSome like it hot Daphne is really a man but Osgood wants to marryThe Game it wasn't real it was just a gameSoylent green Soylent Green is made out of peoplePrimal Fear Edward Norton lied about having a split personalityFight Club Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are the same personJacob's Ladder It was all a dreamWizard of Oz SameAmerican Psycho coke induced dreamTotal recall a girl with three boobs in this movie12 monkeys The flashback is Bruce Willis killed at the airportThe Dark Knight Heather Ledger DiesVanilla sky After the car wreck Tom CruiseSaving private ryanRosemarys baby Rosemary gives birth to the devil's spawnFriday the 13th The Camp kitchen worker's mother is the killerIn the Heat of the Night RalphPresumed innocent The wifeScream- Billy and StuWhat Lies Beneath Harrison FordPsycho Norman BatesVan Sant PsychoThe Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's fatherCitizen Kane Rosebud
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