Apr 22, 2010
I can just hear the pitch to the studio "It's Angels with Machine Guns !" Here is the movie trailer for "Legion" Here is an alternate longer movie trailer for "Legion" ...
Apr 20, 2010
This is not the poster, but poster inspired artwork that I just had to post. Here is the original 1977 movie trailer for "Eraserhead" Here is the entire movie "EraserHead" in case you have never seen ...
Apr 20, 2010
Here is the Movie Trailer for "3 on a Meathook" you just have to sit through the guy introducing it. ...
Apr 18, 2010
The movie trailer for "Karate Kid" the 2010 version starring Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan. ...
Apr 18, 2010
Frame grab from website below is very consistent with theatrical poster. Here is the movie trailer for "The Other Guys" ...