Pop Art by Mr Whaite is a cool tumblr featuring a series of neon film posters for popular movies. The artist says: "I love neon signs—they're hypnotic, sexy, sleazy and tacky all at the same time—and I've always thought it would be cool if cinemas used them to advertise films. So with that in mind, I thought I'd have a go at designing some animated Movie Neon. My first attempt is Ghostbusters—an obvious choice really, particularly as neon featured heavily in the video for Ray Parker Jr's...
ILM Visual Effects Master Dennis Muren talks about working with Spielberg, his VFX breakthroughs with Cameron and Spielberg, and working on JJ Abrams' Super 8.
Stargate Studios has shared a before and after special FX reel for the amazing Zombie Show, the Walking Dead. Check out this amazing work, who knew so many zombies on the show were computer generated.
What if George Lucas had never created the Star Wars prequels, what if a secret terrorist organization had done it while they kept lucas locked away for 20 years in a prison cell.
Its amazing the access actors have to sets and what they could share with us if they took the time to document their experience. Sean Young has done just that, by sharing her Super-8 films from the making of the David Lynch Classic Sci-Fi Film - Dune. Shot in Mexico City in the Spring of 1983, this 6 minute film is a must see for Dune or David Lynch lovers.
This amazing video mashup is a collection of movies where the characters in the film actually say the name of the movie. Its quite common as you will see by watching this video.