Forum Thread: What's the WORST movie you have ever seen?

Please post the name and the poster if you can find an image of it.
Posting a trailer would be great as well.

2 Responses

Oh man.  Cries and Whispers hands down. I got what I deserved.  I was mackin a girl in college and wanted to impress her with my 'sincere' interest in foreign films.  Regrettable in the extreme.  The self mutilation scene neutered me.

The worst for me in terms of disappointment was Hollow Man.  I  really like Paul Verhoeven films, maybe Im just sick and twisted that way but I got that Starship Troopers was a parody and didn't have to find that out years later when people finally understood the movie.  I think this film killed his career, it should have NEVER been made with the script they had, it was such a piece of crap.

Elisabeth shue is so BAD in this movie, I really think it also single handedly killed her career.  There is a part where someone has died and she runs up to the body.  Someone asks "Are they Ok" She lifts up the body and it falls limp, and she says this is total dead pan lack of emotion - "Nope dead"  My wife and I started cracking up together in unison in the theater when this happened cause it was such bad acting is was just silly. 

To have that big budget and possibly great stars and a great idea of invisibility to make something about, how do you blow it so hard?

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